Telescope & Instruments

HARPS-North - High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher
- Instrument Description
- Instrument Status
- Manuals
- Contact information
- Consortium
- Tools
- HARPS-N Support Software: Data Reduction Pipeline
- HARPS-N New Short Time Scheduler (NSTS) and Exposure Time Calculator (ETC)* (external link from Observatoire de
l'Université de Genève)
Download the JAR file below, put it somwhere on your computer and start it using: "java -jar NSTS-[version].jar" - Readout Time Calculator (coming soon)
- HARPS-N Archive
- HARPS-N Observing tools and visitors instruction
- HARPSN data compute environment YABI
* The limit magnitude of the objects to be observed depends on the sky condition and, due to the autoguide limit, cannot exceed the mv=14 value.
Instrument Description
HARPS-N is an echelle spectrograph covering the wavelength range between 383 to 693 nm,
with a spectral resolution R=115000. This instrument allows the measurement of radial
velocities with the highest accuracy currently available in the north hemisphere and
is designed to avoid spectral drift due to temperature and air pressure variations
thanks to a very accurate control of pressure and temperature. HARPS-N is fibre-fed
by the Nasmyth B Focus of the 3.6 TNG telescope through a Front End Unit (FEU). The two
HARPS fibres (object + sky or Th-Ar) have an aperture on the sky of 1"; this produces a
resolving power of 115,000 in the spectrograph. Both fibres are equipped with an image
scrambler to provide a uniform spectrograph pupil illumination, independent of pointing
The main scientific rationale of HARPS-N is the characterization and discovery of
terrestrial planets by combining transits and Doppler measurements.
The HARPS-N Project is a collaboration between the Astronomical Observatory of the Geneva
University (lead), the CfA in Cambridge, the Universities of St. Andrews and Edinburgh,
the Queens University of Belfast, and the TNG-INAF Observatory.
Spectrograph type | Fiber fed, cross-disperser echelle spectrograph |
Spectral resolution | R= 115’000 |
Fiber field | FOV = 1” |
Wavelength range | 383 nm - 690 nm |
Total efficiency | e = 8 % @ 550 nm (incl. telescope and atmosphere @ 0.8" seeing) |
Sampling | s = 3.3 px per FWHM |
Calibration | ThAr + Simultaneous reference (fed by 2 fibers) |
CCD | Back illuminated CCD 4k4 E2V chips (graded coating) |
Pixel size | 15 µm |
Environment | Vacuum operation - 0.001 K temperature stability |
Global short-term precision | 0.3 m/s (10E-9) |
Global long-term precision | better than 0.6 m/s (2x10E-9) |
Observational efficiency | SNR = 50 per extracted pixel on a Mv=8 in 1 minute exposure |
Wavelength accuracy | 60 m/s (2x10E-7) on a single line |
Instrument Status
Date | Note |
7 January 2012 | First light in laboratory (image) |
16 January 2012 | Start install thermal Enclosure |
5 February 2012 | Instrument shipped to TNG |
5 March 2012 | Install FEU and Cal unit on Telescope & Engineering |
25 March 2012 | Harps-N first light |
27 March 2012 | Harps-Nature |
22 April 2012 | Science Team meeting in La Palma |
23 April 2012 | Official HARPS-N inauguration |
13 February 2013 | Software upgrade, big changes implemented |
05 March 2013 | HARPSN warming up and full enclosure added |
22 March 2013 | CCD controller changed |
23 April 2013 | The flux of the lamp Th2 had increased by a factor 1.8 |
14 January 2014 | Software upgrade: Sequencer, Exposure meter and focus procedure |
22 March 2014 | Focus of the spectrograph was improved by opening the vacuum vessel and readjusting the fiber entrance. |
22 March 2014 | Realignement the exposure meter |
22 March 2014 | Contamination of the calibration frames was solved |
22 March 2014 | Improvement to the LCU and AG software to avoid 'AXIS failed' situations that require re.init of the CU module in the LCU. |
22 March 2014 | Broken Fabry-Pérot LDLS lamp was replaced and FP re-aligned. |
22 March 2014 | Fixed the random error in writing the G-HARPN file (autoguide) |
22 March 2014 | The LN2 tank was equipped with a metallic filter at the entrance of the tube to avoid migration into the CFC of metal cristal. Pressure was increased from 0.4 to 0.8 mbar for some spare flux |
18 June 2014 | Periodic warm up of the CCD due to CFC contamination |
20 August 2014 | Repair of problem with failing TUNA |
17 October 2014 | We put back the fiber head to the FEU after the maintenance work to the derotator B. We tested the alignment and reestablished the previous conditions |
17 October 2014 | Periodic warm up of the CCD due to CFC contamination |
07 November 2014 | The flux of the lamp ThAr2 was decreased by a factor 2 and the flux of the ThAr1 was decreased about 20% |
03 February 2015 | Periodic warm up of the CCD due to CFC contamination |
19 February 2015 | Periodic warm up of the CCD due to CFC contamination |
23 February 2015 | Periodic warm up of the CCD due to CFC contamination |
24 February 2015 | Increase of the CCD temperature due to a malfunction of dosing valve |
19 May 2015 | Scheduled washing of the CFC line, warm up of the CCD |
15 September 2015 | We changed the thar2 lamp because the flux changed very fast |
23 September 2015 | We increased the flux of the ThAr2 lamp by a factor of 1.5 |
13 October 2015 | Fabry Perot tuning (Francois Wildi) - FP=4.4 Cm/sec / Thar=5.3 Cm/sec |
13 October 2015 | Scheduled washing of the CFC line, warm up of the CCD |
15 October 2015 | Disconnected the “Arduino” used to monitor the cold plate temperature |
24 February 2016 | Software upgrade: Sequencer (change the ADCs on/off sequence) |
24 February 2016 | Software upgrade: LCU telemetry (Added unit and some parameter) |
14 March 2016 | Decreased the flux of the ThAr2 lamp |
31 March 2016 | Scheduled washing of the CFC line, warm up of the CCD |
14 April 2016 | Software upgrade (LCU): the elevation threshold used for the ADCs movements now is hard-coded because the compilated version in unable to read the configuration correctly. |
19 April 2016 | Changed the threshold of DRS configuration file: qc_dev_littrow_max B to [0.300,0.300,0.300] and qc_rms_littrow_max B to [0.006,0.006,0.006] |
15 June 2016 | Set the Thorium A as reference in both fibers in HARPN-ech-cal-thoAB template |
25 August 2016 | Added the HIERARCH TNG INS LCU ADC1 and HIERARCH TNG INS LCU ADC2 keywords to the fits files |
03 October 2017 | Software upgrade (LCU): New LCU interface installed together with a new version of the sequencer |
13 November 2017 | Changed the FP |
14 November 2017 | Scheduled washing of the CFC line, warm up of the CCD |
26 November 2017 | The FP is stable |
03 January 2018 | The FP lamp is not working (for the calibration and simultaneous observation the Thorium lamps has to be used) |
05 February 2018 | Changed the FP lamp with a “Supercontinuum” lamp (at the moment for the calibration and simultaneous observation the Thorium lamps has to be used) |
13 February 2018 | For the calibrations and simultaneous observations the FP ha sto be used (template changed) |
22 March 2018 | Changed the lamp control system with an “Arduino” based lamp control |
22 March 2018 | The instability of the new LCU was fixed with a new version of software installed in a NUC |
24 April 2018 | Scheduled washing of the CFC line, warm up of the CCD |
21 June 2018 | new Leukos supercontinuum lamp installed |
01 August 2018 | The problem that affected the ADC upgrade during the multiple exposure was fixed (this problen affect the data from 3-10-2017) |
29 August 2018 | New FP lamp installed |
21 October 2018 | Warm up of the CCD, we proceed with the washing of the CFC line and CCD cooling |
09 January 2019 | new Leukos supercontinuum lamp installed, blue filter removed and re-focussing on the fibers |
15 February 2019 | New sequencer version installed (UCAM problem fixed and template changed) |
12 March 2019 | Warm up of the CCD, we proceed with the washing of the CFC line and CCD cooling |
20 March 2019 | New sequencer version installed (UCAM temporization problem) |
21 March 2019 | Fabry Perot upgrade: Changed the supercontinuum lamp, changed the new coupling box, blue filter removed |
25 May 2019 | Fabry Perot big upgrade: Changed the supercontinuum lamp, blue filter inserted, FP fibers changed, fibers cleaned |
14 September 2019 | First test with the new AG and Sequencer |
12 December 2019 | AG and sequencer Upgrade |
23 December 2019 | Warm up of the CCD, we proceed with the washing of the CFC line and CCD cooling |
07 January 2020 | New version of AG (log improvement) and sequencer (fits files and astrumetric info) |
28 January 2020 | AG and sequencer upgrade: Added new feature to the AG for the focus procedure |
11 February 2020 | Sequencer upgrade: compass problems and autoacquisition fixed, AG: added some command associated to the focus procedure |
19 February 2020 | Decreased the flux of the thorium lamp by power supply |
12 March 2020 | New version of sequencer installed: Threshold in the minimum exposure time of the AG |
14 April 2020 | Decreased the power of the ThAr1 and changed the ND values in the configuration file of the sequencer |
20 May 2020 | Installed a new version of sequencer. Parcially fixed the problems of no ascii characters in catalog (fits file generation problems) |
28 May 2020 | Warm up of the CCD, we proceed with the washing of the CFC line and CCD cooling |
01 June 2020 | Has been changed the ThAr1 and ThAr2 lamps. The signal of the ThAr1 lamp has been adjusted by set the SequencerConfig file |
25 June 2020 | Installed the new version of NSTS-5.0.9. Added a control in PI Name value to avoid forbidden chacacters |
19 July 2020 | Warm up of the CCD, we proceed with the washing of the CFC line and CCD cooling |
18 August 2020 | Changed the M2 movement procedure to increase de re-positioning precision and to avoid problems in focus procedure |
27 November 2020 | Warm up of the CCD, we proceed with the washing of the CFC line and CCD cooling |
15 February 2021 | Tuning of the AG parameter and new AG Web GUI installed (new version of ag core) |
12 April 2021 | Warm up of the CCD, we proceed with the washing of the CFC line and CCD cooling |
27 April 2021 | Installed the new AG computer (SHUTTLE) with DEBIAN 10 SO and with a new version of AG core (reduced log generation) |
5 May 2021 | Installed the new AG GUI (east and North switched in the AG compass) |
23 June 2021 | Installed a new version of the AG core (camera temperature control fixed) |
25 June 2021 | changed the waveFPAB with fixed time of 300 s and ND filter at 0 to achieve much more FP flux for future calibration purposes |
25 June 2021 | Warm up of the CCD, we proceed with the washing of the CFC line and CCD cooling |
25 June 2021 | Changed the heater of the CCD from MED to HIGH |
5 July 2021 | Added the astronomer version of the AG WEB GUI in brunello |
20 July 2021 | UCAM: Added script+cron to avoid the reaching of the maximum limit allowed in data files number |
20 July 2021 | Modified the UCAM ccd231_read_2ch_app.xml (EL_GAIN and SPEED default set to 1) |
28 October 2021 | Refurbishing of the CCD Camera with a new CFC (this intervention fix the warming of the CCD camera) |
28 October 2021 | New DRS installed |
28 October 2021 | New version of the sequencer installed - added the focus calculation results |
28 October 2021 | Warm up of the CCD, we proceed with the washing of the CFC line and CCD cooling |
9 November 2022 | Replaced the transparent dome of the solar telescope. The first image with the new dome is HARPN.2022-11-09T12-02-18.249 |
10 November 2022 | Installed the new version of the sequencer (NSequencer-1.4.3.jar) |
23 January 2023 | Fail in the AG camera of the solar telescope - the solar observations are not active |
13 February 2023 | Replacement of the AG solar camera - the solar observations restart from the day 14/02/2023 |
18 December 2023 | DU regeneration (CCD defrost and Sorption Pump regeneration) |
22-24 March 2024 | Failure in the T2 fan and drift of the enclosure temperature |
10 April 2024 | Failure in the solar telescope mount: the solar observations are stopped |
10 May 2024 | The solar observations are restarted |
11 September 2024 | Failure in the CFC Exaust temperature due to relay breakage, replacement made without consequences on the observations |
29 October 2024 | Replaced the 2T fan with the new unit. The motor fits perfectly on the fan platform, despite minor size differences. |
25 January 2025 | Replaced the ThAr2 lamp with an Uranium lamp (SN# HVD0084). The current is set to 6 mA, and the time counter reads 14,438.1 hours. |
Contact Information
Instrument Scientist: Rosario Cosentino
The instrument Harps-N is owned by the construction partners in a share proportional to their
contribution in human and financial resources.
The Consortium is managed by an Executive Board, which is composed by one member per country,
plus the Principal Investigator.
A Science Team is the body who decides the scientific use of the instrument during the GTO time
and propose collaborators to the project, which are then approved by the Executive Board.
Geneva Observatory (Geneva University)
CfA and Harvard University
University of St. Andrews, Edinburgh, and Belfast
Executive Board
Francesco Pepe (PI) | Observatoire de l'Université de Genève, CH |
Stephane Udry | Observatoire de l'Université de Genève, CH |
Dave Latham | Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge USA |
Andrew Collier-Cameron | University of St. Andrews, UK |
Adriano Ghedina | INAF-Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, Italy |
Science Team
Italy | Alessandro Sozzetti, Osservatorio Astronomico Torino Giampaolo Piotto, Dipartimento di Astronomia, Università di Padova Giusi Micela, Osservatorio Astronomico Palermo, Emilio Molinari, Osservatorio Astronomico Cagliari |
Switzerland | Francesco Pepe, Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève Stéphane Udry, Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève Michel Mayor, Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève François Bouchy, Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève Damien Ségransan, Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève Christopher Lovis, Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève |
UK | Andrew Collier Cameron, School of Physics & Astronomy , University of St Andrews Don Pollacco, Queen's University Belfast Ken Rice, Edinburgh University Institute for Astronomy |
USA | Dave Latham, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Dave Charbonneau, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Dimitar Sasselov, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Andrew Szentgyorgyi, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics David Phillips, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Mercedes Lopez-Morales, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Collaborating Institutes
- Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève, CH (Head)
- Harvard-Smithonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA
- SUPA University of St. Andrews, UK
- SUPA University of Edinburgh, UK
- Queens University Belfast, UK
- INAF-Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, Italy
HARPS-N Data Reduction Pipeline
The HARPS pipeline is able to supply online science quality extracted spectra and radial velocities (RV) for solar type stars exploiting the full precision of the instrument.
The spectral extraction is performed using the classical optimal extraction method by Horne (Horne, K. 1986, PASP, 98, 609). The basic processing steps consist in the order, in bias subtraction (the bias is computed on the overscan regions of the frame), spectrum extraction, flat fielding, wavelength calibration and if requested, the cross correlation computation.
HARPS-N Archive
Scientific data collected are automatically saved in the TNG archive and copied to the IA2 Archive facility where the astronomers can download their own data. The GTO data are private and follow the rule defined by the consortium.
HARPS-N Observing tools
- Observing at TNG
- High-precision radial-velocity standard-stars catalog
- Spectrophotometric standard stars (download the catalog in NSTS format)
- Example of catalog in NSTS format
- Thorium-Argon Atlas
- Extinction coefficients at La Palma (external link from CMT)
- HARPS-N New Short Time Scheduler (NSTS) and Exposure Time Calculator (ETC)*(external link from Observatoire de
l'Université de Genève)
Download the JAR file below, put it somwhere on your computer and start it using: "java -jar NSTS-[version].jar" - Readout Time Calculator (coming soon)
- TNG Archive
- HARPSN data compute environment YABI
* The limit magnitude of the objects to be observed depends on the sky condition and, due to the autoguide limit, cannot exceed the mv=14 value.