TNG observing time 2012B, AOT26: availability and guide lines
Due to technical work still ongoing at TNG, we inform all interested people that the TNG nights available during AOT 26 (2012B) through INAF-TAC is limited to 72 nights.
Within this number we must reserve 7 nights for OPTICON observing time, and add the number of night which will be returned from possible ITP non granted nights. The exact number, i.e. 65 + ITP left over, will be known before INAF-TAC meeting, scheduled on June 11th and 12th in Padova.
Furthermore, we wish to make public a statement on the guide lines for the coming semester by Prof. G. Vettolani, INAF Scientific Director, dated March 6th, 2012.
Guide lines from the INAF Scientific Director (italian)