Director Discretionary Time Policy
Which proposals may apply for DDT
Up to 3% of the available general observing time may be used for Director Discretionary Time Proposals (DDTs). A DDT proposal must necessarily belong to one of the following categories:- proposals of ToO nature requiring the immediate observation of a sudden and unexpected astronomical event;
- proposals requesting observations on a hot and highly competitive scientific topic;
- proposals asking for follow-up observations of a programme recently conducted from ground-based and/or space facilities, where a quick implementation should provide break-through results;
- proposals of a somewhat risky nature requesting a small amount of observing time to test the feasibility of a programme;
- proposals of outreach nature requesting a small amount of observing time;
How to submit a DDT Proposal
DDT proposals time may be submitted any time. They must be written using the normal TNG template and should be sent to the Director of TNG in attachment to an e-mail, specifying in the subject field of the e-mail: DDT Proposal for TNG.
DDT proposals can only be carried out in Service Mode. Proposers should provide a very clear justification why the programme should be considered for DDT allocation and was not submitted through the normal TAC procedure. In the absence of such a justification, the proposal will not be considered for DDT allocation, and the proposers will be encouraged to resubmit their proposals for the next appropriate TAC submission deadline.
Proposal evaluation
DDT proposals will be subject to a fast but complete validation procedure by the TNG staff.
In Box 14b of the proposal form applicants have to indicate whether the proposed DDT observations were already submitted in a proposal to the TAC. If yes, the corresponding proposal number has to be indicated.
Please note that within one month following the observations, the PI's of accepted DDT proposals have to submit a report to the Director of TNG.