Etaearth@TNG Open position

La Palma, 8 April 2013
The Fundacion Galileo Galilei - INAF, Fundacion Canaria, hereafter FGG,
manager of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo on the Astronomical Observatory
of the Roque de los Muchachos, Canary Island, Spain,
in the frame of the FP7 EU Grant no. 313014, ETAEARTH, "Measuring Eta_Earth: Characterization of Terrestrial Planetary Systems with Kepler, HARPS-N, and Gaia", is opening a position for a limited term of 2 years, non renewable, for the implementation and maintenance of the relevant Science Archive, which will contain and make available to the project member and general public the raw data, the metadata and the results of the project.
The applicant shall have:
- PhD degree in Astronomy or Physics or Engineer’s degree, obtained not earlier than 5 years before the date of this announce,
- a good knowledge of SQL archiving of data,
- diffuse knowledge of programming languages, including python, php and html,
- be confident with astronomical data frame format (FITS) and basic data analysis,
- basic knowledge of exoplanetary astronomy,
- good knowledge of English language, (fluency in Spanish is helpful, but not required),
- accept to set up his/her residence and working place in the FGG premises in la Palma, Canary Islands, Spain,
- be willing to travel and work in collaboration with other ETAEARTH partner.
The scope of this work is to provide at the TNG a physical repository (science archive) for storing a copy of the HARPS-N data products. This activity will include the harmonization with the raw database from HARPS-N observations, the definition of the data structure for the database and its activation, the control of the data flow from observations and the data reduction pipelines, and the updating of the data content with additional observations and with output from the scientific analysis from the Etaearth project.
Data access will be offered with different levels of privacy to the project participants and the public, in accordance with the respective data access rights.
The results of the work within this contract will be the proper and documented participation to deliverables D4.3 (Science Archive implementation) and D4.4 (Science Archive maintenance) in the DOW of the ETAEARTH project.
Applications should be sent to: director by e-mail not after 23 April 2013, 12:00 UTC. Late application will not be considered.
The application shall include the candidate's interests in the project, a report on her/his past activities and a signed curriculum vitae. A copy of a valid ID card or passport is also necessary.
Evaluation process of the received application will take place before 30 April 2013.
The selection will be performed by a Selection Committee appointed by the Director of FGG and is composed of 3 members.
The selection is based on qualifications possibly integrated by an interview. The Selection Committee can establish a short list of the eligible applicants to be interviewed, on the basis of qualifications and documented experience in scientific or technological activities on the specific subject of the research fellowship. All the stages of the selection procedure (e.g. meetings of the Selection Committee, interviews and so on) can be performed also using electronic devices for the communications.
The contract will be issued in conformity of Spanish rules, will include social charges and Spanish Social Security. The gross annual salary will be 37500,00 euro. This amount, paid in different monthly installments, includes the provisions for all compulsory deductions under national applicable legislation, social charges and health coverage. Spanish fiscal and social security rules will be applied. During the period of obligatory maternity leave the allowance paid by Spanish Social Security is supplemented by FGG up to the total amount of the grant. The period of obligatory maternity leave will not contribute to the duration of the grant foreseen by the contract.
Data access will be offered with different levels of privacy to the project participants and the public, in accordance with the respective data access rights.
The results of the work within this contract will be the proper and documented participation to deliverables D4.3 (Science Archive implementation) and D4.4 (Science Archive maintenance) in the DOW of the ETAEARTH project.
Applications should be sent to: director by e-mail not after 23 April 2013, 12:00 UTC. Late application will not be considered.
The application shall include the candidate's interests in the project, a report on her/his past activities and a signed curriculum vitae. A copy of a valid ID card or passport is also necessary.
Evaluation process of the received application will take place before 30 April 2013.
The selection will be performed by a Selection Committee appointed by the Director of FGG and is composed of 3 members.
The selection is based on qualifications possibly integrated by an interview. The Selection Committee can establish a short list of the eligible applicants to be interviewed, on the basis of qualifications and documented experience in scientific or technological activities on the specific subject of the research fellowship. All the stages of the selection procedure (e.g. meetings of the Selection Committee, interviews and so on) can be performed also using electronic devices for the communications.
The contract will be issued in conformity of Spanish rules, will include social charges and Spanish Social Security. The gross annual salary will be 37500,00 euro. This amount, paid in different monthly installments, includes the provisions for all compulsory deductions under national applicable legislation, social charges and health coverage. Spanish fiscal and social security rules will be applied. During the period of obligatory maternity leave the allowance paid by Spanish Social Security is supplemented by FGG up to the total amount of the grant. The period of obligatory maternity leave will not contribute to the duration of the grant foreseen by the contract.