2015-2016 NIGHT-TIME CCI International Time Programme
The International Scientific Committee (CCI) of the Roque de los Muchachos (ORM, La Palma) and Teide (OT, Tenerife) observatories invites applications for International Time Programmes (ITP) on telescopes installed at these Observatories.
The ITP offers up to 5% of the observing time, evenly spread throughout the year and the lunar cycle, at the telescopes listed on the ITP web page: Link
Read the full the Call Offer at: Link
A proposal can request up to 15 nights/year (80 hours on GTC & STELLA) of observing time. A proposal can cover a period of up to two consecutive years – 4 semesters ‐ and in this case, up to a maximum of 30 nights / 160 hours per telescope can be requested.
Specific guidelines for the individual telescope facilities are available on their webs.
Deadline: 28 February 2015