WAS, the WEAVE Archive System facility offered by the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo - INAF, started its commissioning on the 17th of January 2023. Data access has been opened to the WEAVE Participants in order to verify its functionality.
WEAVE is the WHT Enhanced Area Velocity Explorer spectrograph mounted at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope and is operated by the Isaac Newton Group (ING). WEAVE carried out its first-light observations with the large integral field unit (LIFU) on last December 2022 (link). Two galaxies of the Stephan's Quintet were the first observed targets.
The WEAVE Archive System (WAS) is developed and run by the TNG staff. Commissioning has started with the distribution of the data obtained during the scientific first-light observations with the LIFU to the WEAVE Consortium. During normal operations, the instrument will be used to observe and provide data to eight WEAVE surveys (using approximately 70% of the instrument observing time) and also data obtained durint 'open-time' community observations.
WAS will host the raw data that come from the telescope, the reduced data from the Core Processing System (CPS / L1) and analysed data from the Advanced Processing System (APS / L2), i.e. the official pipelines. In addition, the WAS will host other products from external pipelines: data from Contributed Software (CS) and Contributed Data Products (CDPs). The former are produced by externally developed pipelines that are run as part of the Advanced Processing System, while the latter are data produced by and pushed to the WAS by its users.
In order to access WEAVE data, users must sign up and to log in via the WAS portal.
The archive not olnly makes the data available for download, but offers powerful tools for digging and filtering the data. It also provides the user with visualization tools.
The first data stored in the archive are only available for download to the consortium members; they have been taken both in low- and high-resolution mode.
Some screenshot from the web user interface, including various properties of a particular target is shown below.

Secondary-level analysis (L2): the upper part displays the radial velocity of the target (in low and high resolution), while the bottom shows the segmented image and its bins (low and high resolution).