The TNG surpasses the wall of 100 papers/year
For the first time in its 24-year activity, the TNG reached and got over the mark of 100 papers published in peer-reviewed journals in one year. The total for 2022 amounts to 105 papers, 24 more than in 2021 and 18 more than the previous record of 87 in 2019. The figure shows the number of published papers since 2000: we count about 1200 papers with an evident increasing trend in the last years.
The contribution of each TNG instrument to the 105 papers is shown on the right axis. We note the strong correlation between the increases of the total number of papers and of those based on HARPS-N data. The other instruments are relatively stable during the years, with Dolores keeping well its consolidated level around 20-30 papers/year and well contributing to the 2022 record.
In 2022 TNG users prefer to publish in Astronomy & Astrophysics (45 papers); 26 papers are from MNRAS and 23 from ApJ and AJ. Three papers were published in Nature Astronomy and one in Nature. Seven papers were published in other peer-reviewed journals.
We also note that 27 papers are based on archival data, made publicly available through the IA2 INAF facility in Trieste. It is evident that this legacy is progressively forming a goldmine for the worldwide community.