Winning Team of the National Competition "Young Astronomers and Telescopio Nazionale Galileo"
29 teams of students from italian schools participated at the competition.
Each team presented a proposal for spectroscopic and/or photometric observations aimed at solving a specific astronomical problem using the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, as outlined in the competition announcement.
The examining committee has completed the selection of the submitted observational proposals and declared the winning team composed of the following students:
- Italo Grasso (Scientific High School – IIS Telesi@ - Telese Terme, BN)
- Leonardo Karol Iaquinto (Scientific High School of Applied Sciences - IIS Telesi@ - Telese Terme, BN)
- Chiara Izzo (Scientific High School – IIS Telesi@ - Telese Terme, BN)
- Emanuele Morone (Scientific High School of Applied Sciences - IIS Telesi@ - Telese Terme, BN)
- Fabio Pascale (Scientific High School of Applied Sciences - IIS Telesi@ - Telese Terme, BN)
- Annalisa Vitelli (Scientific High School – IIS Telesi@ - Telese Terme, BN)
Under the guidance of Professor Antonio Pepe from the Scientific High School I.I.S. Telesi@ in Telese Terme (BN), and with the support of an external professional tutor Vincenzo Testa from the INAF Astronomical Observatory in Rome, the team presented an observational proposal titled: "Low-resolution spectroscopic characterization of lensed quasar candidates from Gaia DR3 with the TNG."
The examining committee congratulates all the students who participated in the 1st Edition of the "Young Astronomers and Telescopio Nazionale Galileo" competition, showing great enthusiasm and dedication in the realization of the presented scientific projects. All proposals received and analyzed were considered by the committee, without any exceptions, to be of an extremely high level.
To reward the great effort of all participants and the quality of the results achieved, all schools will be offered, within the current school year (date to be defined), the opportunity to participate in a virtual tour of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, with a live connection from the dome.
To the 6 students of the selected team, will be offered the opportunity to live an experience as young astronomers at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. With the support of a professional tutor, they can complete the proposed project and visit the other optical and Cherenkov telescopes present at the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory.
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