Publications including TNG data
This list contains only accepted publications in refereed journals. Authors using TNG data are asked to send a complete reference of their papers to Walter Boschin.
You can select between these dates:
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Categories are assigned to publications according to the following scheme:
- A: Cosmology
- B: Galaxies and galactic nuclei
- C: Interstellar medium, star formation and planetary systems
- D: Stellar evolution
- E: Other
- 41. SN 2006gy: was it really extra-ordinary? Astrophysical Journal, 691, 1348 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes and NICS@TNG); Category: D
- 40. Photometric and spectroscopic investigation of 2867 Steins, target of the Rosetta mission Astronomy & Astrophysics, 494, L29 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: C
- 39. An optical spectroscopic survey of the 3CR sample of radio galaxies with z<0.3. I. Presentation of the data Astronomy & Astrophysics, 495, 1033 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 38. Internal dynamics of the galaxy cluster Abell 959 Astronomy & Astrophysics, 495, 15 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
- 37. A Quasi-Stellar Object Plus Host System Lensed into a 6' Einstein Ring by a Low-Redshift Galaxy Astrophysical Journal, 692, 694 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes and NICS@TNG); Category: A
- 36. The metallicity of the most distant quasars Astronomy & Astrophysics, 494, 25 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: B
- 35. Optical Characterization of a New Young Stellar Population in the Serpens Molecular Cloud Astrophysical Journal, 691, 672 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: C
- 34. The surface of (136108) Haumea (2003 EL61), the largest carbon-depleted object in the trans-Neptunian belt Astronomy & Astrophysics, 496, 547 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: C
- 33. Solar wind as the origin of rapid reddening of asteroid surfaces Nature, 458, 993 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: C
- 32. Fluorine in Asymptotic Giant Branch Carbon Stars Revisited Astrophysical Journal, 694, 971 (partly based on observations made with SARG@TNG); Category: D
- 31. WASP-12b: The Hottest Transiting Extrasolar Planet Yet Discovered Astrophysical Journal, 693, 1920 (partly based on observations made with SARG@TNG); Category: C
- 30. Structures in the dust coma of comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley) from Jan. 26 to Feb. 05, 2001 Astronomy & Astrophysics, 497, 843 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes and NICS@TNG); Category: C
- 29. Detection of a southern peak in Mercury's sodium exosphere with the TNG in 2005 Icarus, 201, 424 (based on observations made with SARG@TNG); Category: C
- 28. A low energy core-collapse supernova without a hydrogen envelope Nature, 459, 674 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
- 27. Characterization of the HD 17156 planetary system Astronomy & Astrophysics, 503, 601 (based on observations made with SARG and AdOpt@TNG); Category: C
- 26. Internal dynamics of Abell 1240: a galaxy cluster with symmetric double radio relics Astronomy & Astrophysics, 503, 357 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
- 25. Optical Spectra of 15 Low Luminosity Compact Sources and the formation of jets Astronomische Nachrichten, 330, 237 (based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 24. The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: Exploring the Color-Concentration Bimodality via Bulge-Disk Decomposition Astrophysical Journal, 699, 105 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 23. Five New High-Redshift Quasar Lenses from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Astronomical Journal, 137, 4118 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 22. SN 2005cs in M51 - II. Complete evolution in the optical and the near-infrared Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 394, 2266 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes and NICS@TNG); Category: D
- 21. Pfleiderer 2: Identification of A New Globular Cluster in the Galaxy Astronomical Journal, 138, 889 (based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
- 20. SN 2008S: an electron capture SN from a super-AGB progenitor? Montly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 398, 1041 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes and NICS@TNG); Category: D
- 19. Enhanced production of Barium in low mass stars: evidence from open clusters Astrophysical Journal, 693, L31 (partly based on observations made with SARG@TNG); Category: D
- 18. LSD: Lyman-break galaxies Stellar populations and Dynamics. I: Mass, metallicity and gas at z~3.1 Montly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 398, 1915 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: B
- 17. The stellar population and complex structure of the bright-rimmed cloud IC 1396N Astronomy & Astrophysics, 504, 97 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: C
- 16. Possible evidence of Asymmetry in SN 2007rt, a Type IIn Supernova Astronomy & Astrophysics, 504, 945 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
- 15. The Radial Velocity TATOOINE Search for Circumbinary Planets: Planet Detection Limits for a Sample of Double-lined Binary Stars - Initial Results from Keck I/Hires, Shane/CAT/Hamspec and TNG/Sarg Observations Astrophysical Journal, 704, 513 (partly based on observations made with SARG@TNG); Category: C
- 14. GRB 090423 at a redshift of z~8.1 Nature, 461, 1258 (based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: A
- 13. A homogeneous spectroscopic analysis of host stars of transiting planets Astronomy & Astrophysics, 507, 523 (partly based on observations made with SARG@TNG); Category: C
- 12. The chemical composition of Cernis 52 (BD+31o 640) Astrophysical Journal, 706, 866 (partly based on observations made with SARG@TNG); Category: D
- 11. A low-resolution near-infrared spectral library of M-, L-, and T-dwarfs Astronomy & Astrophysics, 503, 639 (based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: D
- 10. The correlated optical and radio variability of BL Lacertae. WEBT data analysis 1994-2005 Astronomy & Astrophysics, 501, 455 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 9. GRB 090426: the farthest short gamma-ray burst? Astronomy & Astrophysics, 507, L45 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
- 8. Accurate classification of 17 AGNs detected with Swift/BAT Astronomy & Astrophysics, 507, 1345 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 7. Radio and spectroscopic properties of miniature radio galaxies: revealing the bulk of the radio-loud AGN population Astronomy & Astrophysics, 508, 603 (based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 6. The core fundamental plane of B2 radio galaxies Astronomy & Astrophysics, 508, 1253 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 5. An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31. III. A spectroscopic metallicity scale for the Revised Bologna Catalog Astronomy & Astrophysics, 508, 1285 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 4. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon selected galaxies Astronomy & Astrophysics, 507, 713 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 3. Extensive optical and near-infrared observations of the nearby, narrow-lined type Ic SN 2007gr: days 5 to 415 Astronomy & Astrophysics, 508, 371 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes and NICS@TNG); Category: D
- 2. The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the Mbh–Lspheroid derived supermassive black hole mass function Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 400, 1451 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
- 1. Multiwavelength study of the bright X-ray source population in the interacting galaxies NGC5774/NGC5775 Astronomical Journal, 137, 3263 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B