Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF Telescopio Nazionale Galileo 28°45'14.4N 17°53'20.6W 2387.2m A.S.L.

Publications including TNG data

This list contains only accepted publications in refereed journals. Authors using TNG data are asked to send a complete reference of their papers to Walter Boschin.

You can select between these dates:

Categories are assigned to publications according to the following scheme:

  • A: Cosmology
  • B: Galaxies and galactic nuclei
  • C: Interstellar medium, star formation and planetary systems
  • D: Stellar evolution
  • E: Other


  1. 9. The GAPS programme at TNG. LXVI. A homogeneous search for Na I and its possible variability in ten gas giant exoplanets Sicilia, D.; Malavolta, L.; Scandariato, G.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693, A316 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  2. 8. HYPERION: broad-band X-ray-to-near-infrared emission of Quasars in the first billion years of the Universe Saccheo, I.; Bongiorno, A.; Piconcelli, E.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693, A157 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: B
  3. 7. CHEOPS observations confirm nodal precession in the WASP-33 system Smith, A. M. S.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Van Grootel, V.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693, A128 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  4. 6. Gaussian process regression of temperature-dependent radial velocities Rescigno, F.; & Al Moulla, K. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 536, 3601 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  5. 5. CHEX-MATE: Dynamical masses for a sample of 101 Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich-selected galaxy clusters Sereno, M.; Maurogordato, S.; Cappi, A.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693, A2 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
  6. 4. Deep-learning based measurement of planetary radial velocities in the presence of stellar variability Colwell, I.; Timmaraju, V.; Venkataram, H. S.; & Wise, A. Astronomical Journal, 169, 24 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  7. 3. The GAPS Programme at TNG. LXV. Precise density measurement of TOI-1430 b, a young planet with an evaporating atmosphere Nardiello, D.; Akana Murphy, J. M.; Spinelli, R.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693, A32 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  8. 2. The GAPS programme at TNG LXIV: An inner eccentric sub-Neptune and an outer sub-Neptune-mass candidate around BD+00 444 (TOI-2443) Naponiello, L.; Bonomo, A. S.; Mancini, L.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693, A7 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  9. 1. HD 119130 b is not an "ultra-dense" sub-Neptune Akana Murphy, J. M.; Luque, R.; Batalha, N. M.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 169, 26 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C